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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Huésped |
#15262012-05-01 12:29I will not be visiting Spain as a tourist until this barbaric practise that hides behind tradition and art to remain, is banned. |
Huésped |
#15272012-05-01 13:29This is absolutely outrageous. Beyond sickening. This is out of date so-called "entertainment". |
Huésped |
#15292012-05-01 14:20I would very much like to visit your beautiful country, but cannot until this barbaric activity is banned. How pleasure can be gained from this cruelty is way beyond me!!!! |
plesis qew |
#1530 90210 Sesaon 4 Episode 222012-05-01 14:4190210 Sesaon 4 Episode 22 going to be air today.so don't miss this interesting one...........,Watch 90210 Sesaon 4 Episode 22 Online free streaming just with one click....., http://90210sesaon4episode22.metroblog.com |
plesis qew |
#1531 The Voice of America Sesaon 2 Episode 192012-05-01 14:42The Voice of America Sesaon 2 Episode 19 gonig to air today.so don't miss this interesting show............,Watch The Voice of America Sesaon 2 Episode 19 Online free streaming with just a single click.................. http://thevoiceofamericasesaon2episode19.beeplog.com |
Huésped |
#15322012-05-01 14:57I will NOT be visiting your country ever again, unless this is banned. Nor will any members of my family or friends. |
Huésped |
#15342012-05-01 15:10You can never call a bloodsport Culture, no it is torture of animals just for fun of some people. We must respect our animals not torture or abuse them. |
Huésped |
#15352012-05-01 15:33I will not be going to your country, ever , until this disgusting sport is stopped. You should be ashamed |
Huésped |
#15362012-05-01 16:06I am a non-resident but feel I must comment on your barbaric "sport" of bullfighting. I have signed the petition to ban this "sport" and feel so strongly that I will not be visiting your country again until this is stopped. |
Huésped |
#15372012-05-01 16:14It is vital that people who want to be considered civilised act in accordance with that. Think about that is you live in a country where this is acceptable - don't be surprised when you are considered a savage. |
Huésped |
#15382012-05-01 16:38Just appalling! Barbaric is the word that springs to mind. This CRUELTY has NO place in a civilised country. STOP THIS!!!! Absolutely disgusting! I would NEVER visit your country whilst you consider this acceptable. There is no "sport" about it! It's nothing to do with "culture" whatsoever. CRUELTY plain and simple!! |
Huésped |
#15402012-05-01 17:20disgusting torture and cruelty, shaming to tose who watch or take part in this barbarity in any way |
Huésped |
#15412012-05-01 17:52i have only worshipped the bull since i see it as a humble animal indispensable for agriculture.so the very sight of cruelty to bulls makes my blood boil.so please ban bull fighting |
Huésped |
#15422012-05-01 18:37Where has the human mind gone and why? I have an 8 year old daughter and when she asks me this kind of questions, I don't know what to answer. I can't lie to her. How can I explain that (some)humans are cruel, senseless and have fun at somebody else's pain and suffering? Animals DO feel, Do suffer, DO cry and just because they can't speak, doesn't mean we humans can do with them whatever we want. Regardless of what religious views people have, animals are living beings and deserve to be loved, respected and yes, even taken care of. PLEASE, PLEASE have some mercy and put yourselves in their place. How can something so cruel be considered Art? Sport? Recreation? It is insane!!! I want my daughter to grow up in a world where we can all love and respect each other. I'm trying very hard to teach her these values. What are the values you, who support this have and are passing to your children? Oh well, I hope you can really change your mind and use your heart and not your greed. I know a lot of money is involved in this inhumane industry, but.... I still believe in the deep inside sense of love that we are all born with. |
Huésped |
#15432012-05-01 18:40seria una locura total ya si permitimos q la unesco declare patrimonio este sadico acto q hacen con los hermanos toros NO LO PERMITANOS NOOOOO!! |
Huésped |
#15442012-05-01 18:41I will not be visiting your country as a tourist until this sport is banned. The pain and suffering both animals went through is unnaceptable in modern society, it is barbaric. To exploit an animals natural fight or flight instinct is bad enough, to exploit it for money is cruel. Please, please stop this. There must be other ways of celebrating your cultural history without the need for bloodshed. |
Huésped |
#15452012-05-01 20:31I have always hated this 'sport' and will not be visiting Spain with or without my daughter until this has been banned. It is barbaric and cruel - not entertainment. It should be assigned to history and Spain needs to show that it is up to date with animal rights awareness, not stuck in the dark ages. |
Huésped |
#15462012-05-01 21:05bull fighting is a cruel and disgusting sport and i hope for the animals sake that people will wake up and stop supporting these events. |
Huésped |
#15482012-05-01 21:24ESTO NO PODEMOS PERMITIRLO. La cultura debe evolucionar. Así como se repudia que los aztecs se comían a sus adversarios, así se debe rechazar esta barbarie que viene de la edad de bronce. ¡EVOLUCIÓN! |
Huésped |
#15492012-05-01 21:55i will not visit your country as a tourist until you end your barbaric views on animal cruelty |
Huésped |
#15502012-05-01 21:59I'm absolutely sickened and hope people boycott this awful country. |
Yo apoyo al juez Eloy Velasco
¿Hay algo que quiera cambiar?
Los cambios no ocurren quedándose en silencio. El autor de esta petición alzó la voz y tomó medidas. ¿Hará usted lo mismo? Comience un movimiento social mediante la creación de una petición.
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